1000 Seamless Glow In Dark Airsoft Ammo
- .20g In Weight
- 6mm In Size (standard size pellet)
- Seamless!!
- Tracer Rounds (glow)
- These Are Made Out Of A Hard ABS Plastic
- Made In Taiwan
They don't glow as much as I thought they would. Maybe I have to keep them under a lamp a bit longer. Pretty accurate for a .20g.
add a nice effect when shooting
if you have trouble seeing where your bbs go these are essential because they light up and you can follow till you hit your mark.
i like them
these are great for night wars because you can see them fly threw the air
the glow in the dark bbs are really good and fun to use me and my friends used them when we were in the dark and it looks like tracers its rlly nice
dont get these just cuz there glow in the dark cuz they arent that good
it allows others to see you